
A JJK Omegaverse Anthology

Preorders Open


  • Plot

  • Head Mod

  • Alpha

  • A/B/O Trope: Mating Bite

  • Raven

  • Writing Mod

  • Omega

  • A/B/O Trope: Bitching

  • Snake

  • Graphics/Formatting Mod

  • Omega

  • A/B/O Trope: Breeding

  • Victoria

  • Finance Mod

  • Omega

  • A/B/O Trope: Forced Mating


Q: What is an anthology?
A: An anthology is a published collection of poems or other writing centered around a theme. While most zines feature glossed pages and full spreads of art, our project will feature written works accompanied by spot art with a more book-like feel.
Q: Do you have an age limit for contributors?
A: Yes. Due to the nature of this project, all contributors must be 18 years of age or older. Participants found to be lying about their age will be removed.
Q: Are there content restrictions?
A: In terms of written content, there will be no content restrictions.
Q: Does what I create outside the zine impact my eligibility outside the zine?
A: Work you create on your personal time will not affect your ability to participate. However, potential contributors who are found to be engaging in bullying, harassment, hate-speech, or using AI in their work will be disqualified from contributing. Contributors found to be participating in the above will be removed from the project. Contributors or potential contributors participating in illegal activities will also be removed.
Q: Will this be digital or physical?
A: Our plan is to create a physical anthology with merch. A digital version of the anthology will also be available for purchase.
Q: Will this zine be spoiler-free?
A: This zine may feature alternate universe or canon divergent content, but canon content may be included and referenced. It will not be spoiler-free.
Q: How will contributors be compensated?
A: Contributors will, at minimum, be provided with a digital copy of the anthology. Depending on sales, contributors may get full bundles of the physical version of the project or the ability to buy the product at production cost.
Q: Will you be inviting guests?
A: All writers for the project will be invite-only, to be selected from suggestions during our interest check. We hope to also invite a few guests artists while also allowing artist applications.
Q: How many contributors will you have?
A: This will depend on our interest check!
Q: I have a question that isn't answered here!
A: Feel free to message us on Twitter or ask a question using our Retrospring!


Interest Check OpensJune 28
Interest Check ClosesJuly 19
Writer & Guest ResultsJuly 26
Creation BeginsAugust 11
Artist/Merch Apps OpenAugust 15
Artist/Merch Apps CloseAugust 26
First Writer's Check InSeptember 10
Artist Acceptance DeadlineSeptember 11
Check In: Writer 2/Artist 1October 10
Check In: Writer 3/Artist 2November 10
Final Check InDecember 10